Southwold Week

We had a plan - and then came Covid!
The plan was that Teresa and I would be taking her dad to Southwold for the week, Michael would be coming up for the first weekend, Rachel would be coming up for a couple of nights during the week, and then Dominic would be coming up for the second weekend so we could go to football.
Then I got Covid - probably from football the week before. That meant that I was isolating to try and avoid spreading it (spoiler - no one else did), and was certainly not going to spend a 3 hour car journey with a 90 year old.
After a bit of re-arranging, we were able to postpone for almost a week. It was touch and go as to whether I would be clear, but on the Thursday morning the second line on the test stopped showing up, and so I was able to go.
The plan was for Michael and Ken to travel up on the Thursday too, but by then Michael was unwell so they delayed until the Friday, and then had a horrible journey up - taking them four and a half hours - which meant that they missed Rachel. However, Dom managed to get up on Friday evening without too much trouble, and so we were able to all go for a walk along the front at Southwold before Dom and I went off to football.
Over the next week, we managed to get out a bit - including to Aldebrugh, Dunwich Heath and to the Ship in Dunwich, and into Southwold a few times, including going to the summer theatre.