Back in Southwold

After what seems like a very long time, the work in Southwold has very nearly finished and so we we have been able to get up there for a week long break.
We are still waiting for shutters to be fitted to the windows, and there are a few outstanding jobs - for example to get the condensate pipe from the boiler to discharge into the downpipe rather than over the path and to put some shelves in the cupboards, but for the most part, things are back to normal.
One issue that we did discover whilst we were there was that whilst a frost stat has been added to help avoid the pipes freezing again, we still need a pipe stat to be fitted. Without this, whenever the temperature in the loft drops to below about 10 degrees, the heating in the house comes on. Since we have a lot of insulation in the loft, even when the house gets to 23 degrees, the temperature in the loft does not get high enough to make the frost stat warm enough to turn the boiler off, and so we had to turn off the radiators and open the window wide to keep cool enough at night - a bit of a shock given temperatures below 5 degrees outside.