First Flight of the Year

Yet another winter has passed with me not getting out to fly my planes. But today, the sun was out, there was no rain (or snow), and the temperature was in double figures and so I decided to go for a fly. I was not the only one! I arrived at the field just before 10 o'clock, and there were more people unloading their planes than I had seen most of last summer. I had a bit of trouble getting my plane started to begin with - mainly because I kept blowing glow plugs (because I had connected the glow start to a 12v battery and so cooked them). Glow plugs are a bit like spark plugs and need to get hot to keep burning the fuel - which wont happen when they have been blown. However, once the error of my ways was spotted, I started the plane and had about half a dozen flights through the day. The only problem was that with so many people there wanting to fly, I had to keep waiting (we are only allowed four planes in the air at once). I therefore came home and got my camera, and took some pictures of others flying.