A few days in York

A few days in York

After taking Rachel back to University, Teresa and I continued north to have a few cold days in York. We stayed at a nice hotel, The Churchill, a few hundred yards outside the City walls, making it easy to walk into the centre of York and also to the National Railway Museum.  We ended up arriving on the Sunday evening, and not moving the car until we were ready to come home on Wednesday afternoon.

We spent a lot of Monday in the Minster - having a trip up the tower (although as the weather was not brilliant, the view was not great), and having a very interesting guided tour of the Minster itself.  Quite a few pictures were taken!

On the Tuesday, we started off at the National Railway Museum.  It was find for a short while, but we did not stay as long as we had expected to, and instead went and had a visit to the castle and then stayed at the Castle Museum until we got thrown out at closing time.