A 10 mile walk, and a lovely lunch

Today we drove to Kessingland, and took a walk along the beach to Lowestoft and back - a round trip of about 10 miles. On the way north to Lowestoft, the wind was pushing us along, and there was some sun in the sky and a little bit of blue between the clouds. It made for a very nice walk - some along the prom, some through the grassland and some along the beach.
In Lowestoft, we stopped at the Rocksalt Brasserie for a very pleasant lunch - mussels for me and ham and eggs for Teresa, both of which we can highly recommend. The Brasserie had some unusual lighting, including upturned waste paper bin lampshades, and some lovely rows of exposed lightbulbs that I had to take a picture of (and which got us a 15% discount in return for a promise to put one of the pictures on their Facebook page).
The walk back was not as pleasant. The wind had got stronger and was in our faces, and the sun was behind a bank of cloud. However, we made it back to the car to hear the end of Ipswich v Portsmouth (a 2-2 draw).